Wordle unlimited

Wordle is a popular and fun word game created by Brooklyn-based programmer Josh Wardle. Puzzle lovers know and love Wordle, especially since there are not so many such browser games. You can play Wordle without registration and annoying ads.
History of the game
Wardle designed the game for his girlfriend Palak Shah in 2021 (the prototype was created in 2013). The couple played Wordle, then relatives got carried away with the puzzle, and only after that Josh decided to put the game on the Internet. In free access, Wordle on the launch day (November 1, 2021) scored 90 people, but two months later the number of players exceeded 300 thousand, and a week later - 2 million. The game has gone viral on Twitter. The creator of Wordle is not going to make money on his offspring, he promises not to use your data and not damage your eyesight.
In an interview with the BBC, Wardle said that he had no idea what word would be guessed this time, so he enjoys the game along with everyone. At the very end of 2021, the developer added an exchange option to Wordle - now players can copy their results, consisting of colored emoticons. Josh explains the incredible popularity of the game by the fact that every day players receive only one puzzle that takes three minutes, so they are looking forward to new tasks.
The dizzying success of Wordle inspired developers to create clones. Some of them have been reworked. For example, Absurdle represents an adversarial variant of Wordle - the intended word changes in each sentence. Probably, Absurdle is the most complex version of the existing ones. Some clones use only four-letter obscene or swear words. In other clones, players can change the length of words.
Interesting facts
- From January 1 to January 13, 2022, Twitter posted 1.2 million Wordle results.
- On January 31, 2022, Wordle was acquired by The New York Times Company. The price was not disclosed, it is only known that we are talking about a seven-figure figure. Since February, the game has been officially located on the company's website with the preservation of statistics.
- Wordle brought tens of millions of new players to the site in its first three months, according to the Times quarterly earnings report. Many of them started playing other Times games as well.
- Five years before Josh Wardle's Wordle, Wordle came out! Steven Cravotta. These games are fundamentally different, but the success of Wardle's game brought attention to Cravott's puzzle. To celebrate, the author promised to donate all proceeds from the game to charity.
Wordle is a real gift for puzzle lovers. Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of showing off your intellectual abilities!